National UFO Reporting Center - November 95 Reports

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11/1/95 0:15 Bothell, WA Exp. UFO investigator, MUFON member, witnesses very bright bluish/white flash of light that lit living room. Descended rapidly.
11/1/95 11:40 Manson, WA Man repts. 2 "guys in scuba divers suits w/ wrap-around glasses" in his apt.. "Photographed" man w/ "flashlights." Through wall!
11/1/95 21:45 Sedro Woolley, WA Husband & wife see peculiar colorful, stationary obj. to E, over Alger Mtn.. (Possible star??)
11/3/95 Albany, NY Man repts. witnessing triangular shaped craft pass overhead on NO 03, 04, & 05. Illuminated clouds; changed shape!
11/3/95 14:17 Maryland Hts., MO Woman notices "tiny little shiny obj." in daytime sky. It suddenly drops to horizon in approx. 10-15 sec., disappears from sight.
11/3/95 22:25 Belmont, CA Woman witnesses a "round, fluorescent gree ball of fire" descend out of night sky & disappear behind hills to S. Long, fiery tail.
11/3/95 23:00 Colton, CA Woman observes peculiar "red star" in N sky. Viewed it w/ coworkers. Obj. finally moved off and disappeared from sight.
11/3/95 23:06 W. Seattle, WA Woman repts. pecular small obj. in morning sky, "like a bright star." Then it began to move, rose up, drifted south. Red beacon vis.
11/4/95 Brockton, MA Man reports witnessing "bright light coming through the trees." He goes to window, sees peculiar "long tube" pass over his house.
11/4/95 11:53 Chelan, WA Software engin. repts. very bright, peculiar orange "fireballs" to the SSE of his home. Similar sighting in same area 28OC95.
11/4/95 23:45 Alfalfa, OR Young man (MUFON trainee) & girlfriend witness a "straight, triangular beam of light" projected down (?) from cloudy sky.
11/5/95 0:00 Lexington, KY Young man in state of excitement calls to report a "big ball of light" had circled him as he walked along RR tracks. Missing time(?).
11/5/95 21:45 Champaigne, IL Woman & 9-yr. daughter heard "sirens" then noticed obj. sitting above nearby trees. Looked "like Xmas lights." Followed them.
11/5/95 23:20 Mascoutah, IL Nurse returning home sees "bright white light shoot over her truck, straight ahead (of her)." Upset. Possible phy. effect on car.
11/6/95 0:15 St. Augustine, FL Anon. rpt. of bizarre obj. that "looked like the Shuttle" moving S to N across sky, 20 deg. in 20 sec.. Visible exhaust plume. Bright.
11/6/95 0:20 Tampa, FL Woman & husband witness "extremely brilliant white light w/ pink & blue" in the E sky. Appeared to eject obj. Changed shape.
11/6/95 20:45 Lebanon, OR Mother (39 yrs.) & son witness bizarre, very brightly lighted disc hovering over rural road. Moved extraordinarily suddenly, fast!
11/7/95 23:10 Rockland, CA Woman repts. witnessing obj. in sky that "looks like star." Reptd. to move slightly, fade. She drove to open field to view. (Star?)
11/8/95 19:00 Pilot Rock, OR Two brothers witness cluster of 4 bizarre blue-white lights ahead on highway. Strange effects. Drove 98.7 miles on 2 gal. gas.
11/10/95 19:50 Beaverton, OR Family returns from restaurant and notice "emerald green beam" of light going horizontally over their home. Beam ended abruptly.
11/10/95 21:00 Eilmsport, PA PA Emer. Man. Agency relays report from citizen regarding "UFO sighting." (Established 19NO95 they were advertising lights.)
11/10/95 23:25 Auburn, WA Man experienced 15 sec. power outage in Enumclaw, then witnesses major blue, then green flash south of Auburn. 50 deg. of sky.
11/11/95 1:15 Eugene, OR Three adults hear a strange noise, see a strange "star" to W. Obj. does gyrations, then streaks N. 10 min. later, they see 3 more.
11/11/95 18:25 Rock Island, WA Man on Hwy 28 sees extremely bright obj. "shoot across windshield," blow up into many fragments when it entered cloud of fog.
11/11/95 19:00 Solvang, CA Two young women driving to party encounter a large cylindrical-shaped obj. "w/ a lot of lights on it." Drifted slowly, streaked.
11/11/95 21:45 Kirkland, WA Woman on cruise boat sees large obj. w/ 8-10 strange red lights, passes overhead N to S, dips, rises vert. out of sight! No sound.
11/12/95 21:00 Las Vegas, NV Woman repts. two stationary, "colorful," lights to W & NW of her position. (Description not inconsistent w/ twinkling stars.)
11/13/95 0:15 Birmingham, AL Man standing outside sees what looks like "shooting star." Obj. split into 3 lights, "like isosceles triangle," shot across sky to SE
11/13/95 19:50 L. Oswego, OR Woman repts. three peculiar green beams of light overhead. (MUFON investigator reptd. was probably laser-based adv. light.)
11/14/95 18:30 American Canyon, CA Woman and daughter witness w/ binoculars 2 strange lights in sky. Flashing white, red, green. (Not inconsistent w/ twinkling star.)
11/14/95 18:45 Midway, GA Mother notices "aircraft" over Midway River, suddenly "engine noise" seem to slow. She & kids see 2 "mushroom shaped" craft.
11/15/95 3:00 Green Co., TN FAA empl. relays facts of written rept. Man and woman encounter 3 bizarre ships that hovered over them on Hwy. 70.
11/16/95 17:18 Simsbury, CT Woman & friend (pilot) see very large blazing yellow/orange "comet" streak horiz. E to W, explode. Changed course, dropped vert.!
11/16/95 21:40 Elk Grove, CA Woman outside smoking sees bizarre craft "w/ red lights" pass silently overhead. When she peered around house, was gone.
11/17/95 0:30 Tacoma, WA Young man repts. he returned home from store, neighborhood boys excited about strange obj. that had just passed overhead.
11/17/95 22:20 Sector 18, NY FAA Boston Cntr. relays 2 rpts: 2 comm. jetliner crews rept very bright light, green tail, pass by them on N side very fast. Close.
11/17/95 22:20 Basking Ridge, NJ Young man, while driving N, witnesses dramatic white fireball to east streak N to S. Sees similar red streak N to S in W sky!
11/17/95 22:20 Orange, VT Woman witnesses multiple red, radiant objs. hovering over her mountaintop farm, then immense white flash. Objs. streaked S (?).
11/17/95 22:25 Lower Nazareth, PA Woman witnesses huge, triangular-shaped ship, covered w/ bizarre lights, "like traffic lights." Very dramatic sighting.
11/17/95 22:26 Yarmouth, ME Young man reports huge, bright white light, "w/ green wake," pass overhead very fast. Other witnesses stopped cars.
11/17/95 22:27 York, ME Father, son, & many bystanders witness incredible "starlike" obj. w/ "white aura, long green tail," STREAK FAST from NE to SW.
11/17/95 22:30 Fall River, MA Young woman saw extremely bright white light with green tail streak toward the south. No sound.
11/17/95 23:00 Seattle, WA Man repts. witnessing peculiar red and blue flashes over Seattle. One flash filled 180 deg. of sky w/ red light. Observed an orb.
11/17/95 23:00 Arlington, WA MUFON member relays multiple reports about people who witnessed "pink and blue flashes" same night as sightings over Seattle.
11/17/95 23:00 Seattle, WA Young woman repts. witnessing multiple "flashes of red and blue light" in and above the clouds. Were to the NE of Capitol Hill.
11/17/95 23:30 Seattle, WA 2nd Seattle Univ. student calls to report remarkable "pink and " blue flashing lights in, or above the clouds.
11/17/95 23:30 Seattle, WA Young woman in Seattle Univ. dormitory sees bizarre, pronounced red, pink, blue intense, multiple flashes of light in clouds to east.
11/17/95 23:30 Seymour-J.AFB, NC Duty sergeant rpts multiple calls from citizens regarding 1 or more (?) objects hovering, maneuvering near USAF base. Radar neg.
11/18/95 0:00 Orlando, FL Woman repts. bizarre "half circle" obj. in sky to SE. Projects ray downward! Something appeared to "fall" from the main object.
11/18/95 1:15 Muskegon, MI Woman repts. daughter encountered intensely bright red, triangular obj. sitting on side of road. Obj. rose, disappeared suddenly.
11/18/95 15:08 Seattle, WA Nat. UFO Rpt. Ctr. phones AP & UPI wire services. They have no info re 17NO95 sightings; express no desire to inspect data.
11/18/95 17:40 Mojave, CA Woman repts. 2 objs., "big and small," hovering in clear sky to SW. Lights appear to blink or strobe. Other witnesses.
11/19/95 0:26 Framingham, MA Young woman repts. seeing w/ friends a large, round, bright obj. overhead. Filled car w/ green light. "Pains in head."
11/19/95 17:30 Phoenix, AZ Woman, grandson, and several other witnesses rept. approx. 10 shiny objs. maneuvering, reflecting sunlight overhead. Streaked off.
11/19/95 18:00 Trenton, IA Young man hunting sees two peculiar bright lights hovering in sky, "like planets." Suddenly they flashed, changed color, moved.
11/19/95 18:30 Redding, CA Woman in car facing E saw very bright, bizarre obj. streak horizontally from L to R. Head was blue, tail was yellow, orange, red.
11/19/95 18:30 Carson City, NV Woman calls after dramatic sighting of "a red streak of light, w/ blue in middle" moving SE to NW. Width "as thick as my thumb!"
11/19/95 18:35 Placerville, CA MUFON investigator relays rept. of multiple sightings of bizarre "meteor." Multiple newspaper articles.
11/19/95 18:37 Redding, CA Father w/ children witness orange ball of light bob above trees. Suddenly witness streak of white light w/ green tail" finger wide.
11/19/95 20:45 Holton, KS Youth w/ friend pursue on Hwy. 16 "triangular thing in sky, w/ yellow, blue, and green" lights. Obj. turned abruptly, flew north.
11/19/95 21:50 Olathe, KS Family repts. a stationary obj. in night sky that is flashing red, blue, silver. Appears to rotate. (Not inconsistent w/ star.)
11/19/95 22:35 Biddeford, ME Man leaves work at hospital, encounters large "plate-shaped obj. w/ 3 multi-color rings around it." Obj crossed road, rose vert.
11/19/95 23:06 Virginia Beach, VA Mother heard high-pitch whine pass over house. Daughter witnessed large circular craft w/ multiple circular whitish, yellow lights.
11/20/95 6:15 Belle Fourche, SD MUFON State Dir. relays rpt: Postal empl. heading W on highway witnesses very large white w/ green tail streak vert. to horizon.
11/20/95 13:42 Tampa, FL Nursery owner repts. peculiar ring of flattened grass on his property. Grass had been killed earlier w/ spray, but was matted down.
11/20/95 19:12 Sumter, SC Woman repts. her husband had just witnessed two bizarre ships, "a round one, and a long torpedo-shaped obj.," pass overhead.
11/20/95 20:25 Federal Way, WA Woman, friend, observe very large obj. in sky w/. bizarre lights. Stationary at first, then began to drift to W. No sound.
11/20/95 21:50 Bremerton, WA Woman reports witnessing peculiar lights in W sky, which suddenly disappeared from sight. Lights "looked round."
11/21/95 18:00 Peyton, CO Young man&mother; 2 intensely bright white lights, side by side, moving erratically across sky. Green flashes, sonic
11/21/95 22:00 Memphis, TN Woman & neighbor witness bizarre obj. pass overhead. Obj. had long wings, "like a glider," w/ 8-9 lights on each. It folded wings!!
11/22/95 19:45 Woodland, CA Mother reported her son had become very agitated after witnessing a strange craft outside his bedroom. Disc w/ "fluttering" sound.
11/22/95 20:03 Haltbro, PA Woman reported witnessing a cluster of "gold cigars." Passed overhead very fast. Objs. were thicker in center. Distinctly gold.
11/24/95 Comanche Co., OK Man calls to relay reports of multiple cattle mutilations in Comanche, Telman, & Grady Counties. 7 calves in 1 rpt. News articles.
11/25/95 0:42 Wishkah River, WA Experienced MUFON investigator/law officer relays rpt that woman, son witnessed bizarre bright light, green beam near home.
11/25/95 20:01 Woodland, CA Two young boys witness 2 bright, white oval objs. streak to E, then to NE below the clouds. Objs. were very bright.
11/27/95 23:00 Ft. Morgan, CO Woman reports a very bright, colorful, stationary object "below the Belt of Orion." (Possible flickering star??)
11/28/95 21:00 Palm Springs, CA FAA employee calls regarding a shimmering, very colorful, stationary light in the eastern sky. (Twinkling star??)
11/28/95 21:30 Bellevue, WA Software engin. witnesses "stripe" of green light in N/S orientation across sky above scudding clouds. (Adv. laser light rptd. 28NO.)
11/29/95 16:40 Antelope Valley, CA Man on Hwy. 14 sees two bright objs. w/ trails behind them flying slowly along a parallel course. Larger becomes black dot.
11/29/95 19:05 Redding, CA Woman witnesses bright "star" in NW sky which suddenly splits into two lights. 1 descends to hor., other rises vert., disappears.
11/29/95 21:28 Glen Ellen, CA Woman calls to rept. that her son & husband had seen a huge obj. w/ 3 red flashing lights. "Shape of sub on Seaquest TV program."
11/30/95 22:35 Howell, NJ Man saw 2 lights, apparently coming directly toward him, then a 3rd appeared, forming a triangular shape. Hovered nearby, faded.